as with my land acknowledgment, i initially came to create this page because it seemed like what i should do (vs being something that was coming from a deep belief within me).

that is the truth of my starting point here and now.

i know that i have a lot yet to learn in terms of how i show up for others who are not like me.

my commitment is to learn, and to remain as open as i can be in the process.

regarding my work around my awareness of the experiences of Black, Brown, and Indigenous people:

gender and sexuality:

i have long said that my work with Rooted Mystic is geared toward, and centered around, women/womxn/females and i’m embarrassed that it took me so long to become aware of how problematic this is.

i’m now working to find the places through my site where i’ve used this terminology and updating it to more accurately reflect what i mean.

you are welcome here regardless of your gender (including those who are nonbinary, genderqueer, agender, and genderfluid), and regardless of your sexuality.


as human people living in this world and in these times, we are a GORGEOUS tapestry of yarns weaving into (and out of) each others’ created pieces (lives).

i celebrate that.

and i won’t always do it perfectly. i am still catching myself using ableist language and phrases, and while i’m putting in an effort to learning NOT to do this, some of these are habitual and are taking some time to break.

some, i just don’t see (yet). but as always, i’m open to learning. if you become aware of something i’ve written or said* that feels unhelpful and ableist, please do feel free to point it out.

*with the caveat that i do reference the senses as a way of calling attention to specific senses from time to time. this is intentional and if i reference a sense that you don’t have access to please feel free to substitute another as best suits you. i also refer to walking the path sometimes. this is something that we’re doing in our imaginations and does not require physical walking (or movement).

updated January 20th, 2023
update 2 March 3rd, 2023