i will be painfully honest and tell you that the reason i was initially creating this page on my new site is because two people i VERY much respect have them on their websites, and it seemed like the right thing for me to also do.

and then, as i began to research so that i could try to figure out where to even start, i began to learn.

i knew that i did NOT want this to be some kind of optical allyship situation. i want this, as with everything, to have meaning and real purpose.

as of this moment (January 20th, 2023) i know only that i know almost nothing in this area.

i’ve learned that i’m living on Tocobaga, Mascogo, Seminole, and Miccosukee ancestral lands.
(and even this, i did not know yesterday.)

my commitment, then, is to learn.

i’m starting here and here and here.

as i walk this path, i hope to also learn whether it’s appropriate for me to update (here or elsewhere) where i stand with this process as a way of bringing accountability to the process.

{update april 17th, 2023} this is now expanding into decolonization work for me. i want to learn how to think and be differently from what i’ve done as my default growing up (swimming in the water, so to speak).

i’m starting with a book called DeColonize Your Self: An effort for reconnection to the natural world, and the dismantling of European supremacy by Teja Jonnalagadda.

i’m excited to dive into this, and grateful that the resources are available.