“Your emails always bring me breath.“

~Michelle Radomski


my words are one of the gifts that i offer to anyone looking for, or in need of:

  • the resonant alchemy of the deep, dark places

  • the nourishment found within shimmering light-filled places

  • the sparkling gems of your own beingness

consider this your invitation back into these places and spaces.

back into the bittersweetness of Life.

back into yourSelf.


 an invitation 

back into your own shining depths via my (weekly-ish) luminous notes


i know and respect that, so i don’t email just to email.

i also don’t email just because i’ve created something that i want to sell to you. (we all get enough of that shit as it is, and it’s gross.)

my aim is to be human with you, and i hope that you’ll be human with me in return.

life is, and has been, hard enough without people treating each other as nothing more than a name on a list (or worse, a wallet or a payday).

you won’t find that here. (let’s buck that trend together, shall we?)

what you’ll find instead, i hope, is:

  • shared humanity

  • jewels from the depths

  • meaningful moments

  • resonant resources

“I love your writing & presence. You're a rock star in my book! Thanks for being who You are & doing what You do.“

~Tracy Coan


  • questions i’m holding, and asking, that feel helpful

  • offers i’ve created with you in mind (some free; some paid)

  • resources (books, songs, websites, art, etc…) that make me feel alive (in the hopes that at least some of these resources will speak to you this way, too)

  • examples from my own life around how i am experimenting with ways to walk my talk (because examples are helpful)

  • extra special little tidbits that’ve been created by human people i dig (you can read my affiliate policy right here)

if there’s something within you that’s vibrating quietly as you read these words, this is probably a good match.

sign up above.

“Thank you for this reminder of how things that transfix us can be a looking glass.“
